Our vision for GO WEEKEND is to make better disciples of high school students in the great Seattle area that they may be more equipped and encouraged to make more disciples of Jesus Christ.


Ever struggled or felt unequipped to talk with friends about what you believe? Or have you ever felt defeated from trying to share Jesus with others in your life? Go Weekend is all about bridging that gap between your faith and having real and needed conversations with others about Jesus. At this weekend you can expect to learn the heart for why we share our faith, tools to navigate conversations about Jesus with your friends, and how to make disciple making a part of your everyday life.

Registration opens on January 28th. 



We have the opportunity to go and live out God’s call to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus. This trip is a great opportunity for you to grow in your love for Jesus and love to share Him with those around you. We’re excited about what God can do in and through our team that goes and hope you will consider applying!

APPLICATION WINDOW: February 4th-25th 

INFORMATION MEETING: February 18th, 11am in the Student Center

INFORMATION PACKET: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:3eb961df-9104-4953-8d95-e5b07fd0fdcc


Save the date for HSM Summer Camp, July 3rd-7th 2024.
