
Giving as an act of Worship

Why We Give

Part of our worship is giving sacrificially and cheerfully. We are responsible to steward God’s resources excellently and be an example of Jesus to our community. We cheerfully give God our “first fruits” because it is one of the primary ways in which we serve God. Jesus first sacrificed for us and because of this we gladly sacrifice for the sake of the gospel (Proverbs 3:9; 2 Corinthians 9:7).

Click any of the links below to help support our mission of making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.

the storehouse

General Fund (Tithes)

We cheerfully give God our “first fruits” because it is one of the primary ways in which we serve God. The General Fund is what Canyon Hills would refer to as “the storehouse.”

Serving the Community

Food Bank

The Food Bank is now serving far more families than ever before. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ within our community in this tangible way.

Maintenance & Improvements

Building Fund

Separate from the General Fund, the Building Fund is used for all physical improvements needed to buildings or structures at Canyon Hills. This fund is used for general maintenance around the building.

Serving the Community

Community Outreach

Canyon Hills uses funds from Community Outreach to support a number of local ministries in the area. Click the link below to give to Community Outreach and then select a specific ministry from the drop-down list.  (Food Bank, Aid and Assistance, etc).

Reach the NAtions

Global Outreach

The Global Outreach fund provides the opportunity for our church family to participate in what God is doing around the world. Your offering to the GO fund should be above your normal tithe to help us send more people from our church to the Nations. Along with sending more, this fund also provides continual monthly support for those currently on the mission field and their projects.

Global PArtners

Partners and Projects

Is there a specific Global Partner or a project of theirs that you would like to participate in?

Trip Fund raising

Global Encounter Teams

The Global Outreach fund does not financially support anyone going on a Global Encounter Trip (short-term mission trip), as each person is responsible for raising their own support. Click the link below to give to an individual going on an upcoming Global Encounter Trip.

Pushpay Giving Records

Giving Statements

Starting in 2019, we moved to Pushpay for online giving. You can access past giving records by clicking the link below.

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