Deacons Ministry

Deacons Ministry

About the Deacons Ministry

Deacons are men and women in positions of leadership given in Scripture to care for the needs of the body of Christ. We have 10 deacons to provide help for members of Canyon Hills who need assistance beyond what their Life Group can offer.

Deacons of Helps

Jann and Kathy Hill lead a team that provides for the practical needs of single parents, widows and widowers, and the elderly. This includes yard work, light housecleaning, grocery shopping, and more.

Deacons of Financial Counseling

Scott and Kim Jewett assist with financial stewardship. They offer financial counsel and help congregants navigate budgeting and planning.

Deacons of Aid & Assistance

Tom and Mary Johnson also provide assistance with finances by helping congregants manage bills, such as rent, utilities, and living expenses.

Deacons of Widows & Widowers

Jeff and Artha Nafie are the first point of contact for widows and widowers, and offer care to those who have lost their spouse.

Deacons of Car Care &
Single Parents

Joe and Anita Sullivan are the first point of contact for single parents, and provide car maintenance and repairs for those who are in need.


If you are a member of Canyon Hills and you have a specific need that is beyond the scope of your Life Group, click the button below to send a request to our deacons.
