the fields are ripe for harvest

3 Billion Unreached

Over 2000 years after the Great Commission was proclaimed by Christ, 3 billion remain unreached within 7,000 people groups. Unreached means a people group does not have a church big enough to reach their own people, or many times no believers and churches at all. They are unreached because they have no access to hear about Jesus.

Our MISSION & Vision

God’s Glory. Our Calling. All Peoples.

Canyon Hills Exists to make more and better disciples by planting churches among unreached peoples of South Asia and Japan. We are committed to making the Glory of Jesus known among the Nations, by sending Canyon Hills members to all peoples.

From Genesis to REvelation

God’s Global Mission

Scripture is one continual story. The core of Genesis to Revelation is about a missionary calling His people to be a light among the Nations and among those who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus. He plans for the message of His Son to be taken to all unreached people groups of the world, because the harvest is plentiful. This is the passion of God and the heartbeat of Global Outreach.

Stay in the Loop

Follow Global Outreach Ministry

Join God’s Mission

Take the Next Step


Short & Long Term

Learn about short-term trips, or our process in going mid-term and long-term to the unreached.


Evangelism Training

Disciple-Making Teams are for anyone who wants to learn how to make disciples among their friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.


Global Outreach

This program provides consistent and practical ministry opportunities, education, and leadership tools.


Learn & Serve

We have several upcoming events to learn about Global Outreach and what you can do to help get the Gospel to the unreached.

Locations & Ways to Pray

Our Global Partners

Click on a location pin to see specific ways you can pray for each of our Global Partners.

Support our Ministry

Give to Global Outreach

One hundred percent of the money given goes immediately to God’s work around the world. This fund is for general Global Outreach assistance and there are links below if you’d like to give to specific partners or trips.

Pray: Missions

Prayer Gatherings

Join us for our PRAY: Missions gatherings where we meet together to worship through prayer and specifically pray for our global partners and God’s global mission across the nations. Click the link below for our 2025 PRAY schedule.

Pray for the Lost in Bothell

Prayer Guide

We want to invite you to worship the One who is Lord of the Harvest (Luke 10:2) by obeying 1 Timothy 2:1-6. We are instructed to pray, intercede, and give thanks for all people. We hope that you might even hop in your vehicle and travel to these locations in order to physically pray and intercede!

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

– Revelation 7:9

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

– Psalm 96:3

Be Equipped

Online Training


6-week Online Missions Course

You can discover your place in God’s story of reaching the Nations. It doesn’t mean you have to go overseas to be a missionary – you can do it right here in your neighborhood. This is a 6-week free video series to help all of us in making Jesus known throughout the world.

Training Workshop

R3ACH: Muslims

The House of Islam is growing at an incredible rate. By 2030, total global Muslim population is expected to reach 2.2 Billion. Watch a practical half-day training workshop to help better understand the world of Islam. Become equipped to engage your Muslim neighbors and friends with gospel-centered conversations. 

Training Workshop

R3ACH: Your Neighbor

Watch a practical half-day training workshop, to mobilize you in building bridges with your neighbors, that can hold the weight of biblical truth. You will be equipped to have more confidence in sharing your faith and creating gospel conversations.

Training Workshop

R3ACH: International Students

Learn how to engage international students with the Gospel! Hear from people who are strategically building relationships with students from all over the world, and learn how you can do the same with the students near you!

Have any Questions?

Contact Global Outreach Ministry
