Hope Groups

Open & Available to all

Let’s Find Hope in Jesus

Hope Groups exist to bring hope to those who are suffering due to choices that they have made or due to the choices that someone else close to them has made. Unlike individual counseling which often has a waitlist and requires church attendance at Canyon Hills, the HOPE Groups offer immediate help in specific areas and are open to anyone regardless of church attendance.  A group may be joined at any time, and the only cost is for materials.

MEn’s & Women’s Groups

Hope For Addiction

Those who struggle with any life-enslaving sin including drugs, alcohol, sex, food, gambling, or anger, know how difficult life can be. If you’re struggling with any sin that feels overwhelming, consider joining this group to learn how to live life biblically.

WHEN: Mondays, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
CAREGIVER: Aaron Jasper

WHEN: Thursdays, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
CAREGIVERS: Jannae Epp and Pamela Kim

Men & Women’s Group

Hope After Divorce

Divorce often leaves individuals broken and hurt. This group exists to comfort and assist those who need help and healing following divorce, to walk through this season to the glory of God. Our group uses DivorceCare’s curriculum. Please follow this DivorceCare link to register for our group: https://www.divorcecare.org/groups/255318/registrations/new

WHEN: Thursdays, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM.
CAREGIVERS: Todd and Ruhi Ruhl
New 13-week session starting February 13th, 2025.

Women’s Group

Hope For Hurting Women

A group for any woman in a current or past oppressive relationship (spouse, parent, friend, and more) who desires to see their circumstances through the lens of Scripture and respond in a way that glorifies God.  If you are hurting due to the sin of another, including anger, addiction, control, adultery, unequally yoked marriages, or situations where forgiveness is a struggle, please join us as we seek to minister to your heart and discover what God desires to do in the midst of what you are walking through.

WHEN: 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
CAREGIVERS: Linda Jones and Marianne Alderman

Women’s Group

Hope Amidst Cancer

“If you are currently facing or have faced cancer, then this group is for you!” We are a group of women who focus on what God is doing, can do, or has done through our cancer. It is a safe place for spiritual and emotional support where we can let our guard down, to learn, laugh, cry, experience joy and pray over each other. You do not need to be a member of Canyon Hills, but we do follow the theology and guidelines of our church leaders. Please contact the counseling office if you want to join this group so the leaders can reach out to you before you attend.

WHEN: The 2nd Saturday of each month, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
CAREGIVER: Rebekah Staley

Men's & Women’s Group

Hope in Grief

Loss is one of life’s inescapable realities.  Loss forces us to realize that even the good things we want and enjoy are fragile, temporary and unrecoverable. Yet God meets us in our loss, and gives us others to share the sorrow of our losses. For men and women who have lost a loved one, this group meets for fellowship, prayer, and community while coping with grief. Our group uses GriefShare’s curriculum. Please follow this GriefShare link to register for our group: https://www.griefshare.org/groups/256508/registrations/new

WHEN: Mondays, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
CAREGIVERS: Steve and Sally Grice, Vickie Correll
New 13-week session starting February 24th, 2024.

Women’s Group

Hope Amidst An Empty Crib

Join women coping with the heartache of infertility, miscarriage, loss of a baby, and also those pursuing foster care or adoption.  This Gospel-centered group meets for prayer, Bible study, and provides discipleship, help, and hope.

WHEN: 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
CAREGIVER: Marianne Bourland

Men & Women’s Group

Hope For Caregivers

This group offers love, understanding and support for those whose spouses, children, grandchildren and friends have been affected by Alzheimer’s or dementia. This caring group has lovingly accepted and ministered to many in this season of life. We meet and pray in Jesus name, knowing He is our One Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

WHEN: 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM in Room 302
CAREGIVER: Susie Disch and Scott Mullan

Women’s Group

Waiting in Hope

If you are a woman impacted by the heartache of addiction in the life of your child, husband or loved one, we would like to come alongside you in prayer and support as you continue your journey forward. Together, we will pray through scriptures for our loved ones and each other. Join us in person and/or online as you are able!

WHEN: 2nd Monday in person, 6:45-8:30PM & 4th Monday on Zoom, 6:30-7:30PM
CAREGIVERS: Cindy Remington, Roxane Torres, Zan Peterson-Moens, and Shellie Hoover
WHERE: Meets off campus. Contact Counseling Ministry for details.

Have any Questions?

Contact Counseling Ministry
