Middle school is an adventure filled with challenges. Middle School Ministry (MSM) is a place where 6th-8th graders are known, valued and cared for as we point students to the amazing grace of the Gospel and encourage students to walk in the truth of God’s Word as it transforms them.
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Winter & Spring 2025
MSM Seasonal Calendar
Grab a copy in the Upstairs Chapel or the Student Center to be up-to-date on all things MSM through December!
MSM Sunday Worship Services meet during the 12:30 and 5:30 services in the Upstairs Chapel. They are a time filled with community, worship, the Word, and a little fun! Students won’t want to miss it!
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm
Student Life Groups
We exist to “Make More and Better Disciples of Jesus Christ” and Life Groups have the same purpose. Designed to be a smaller group setting broken down by gender and grade, life groups go through devotional lessons, discussions, and fun events throughout the year! We want you to be in community! (Check the calendar above for dates.)
Catch an outreach night with MSM in the Student Center once a month. Invite some friends and get ready for a high-energy gospel-centered night. Doors open at 6:30pm, event from 7:00pm-8:30pm.
There will be no Ignite during the summer. Check out our summer events at msmsummer.com!
CHW Varsity
Student Worship
We love to equip youth to use their vocal and instrumental skills to serve at MSM and grow a heart for leading others in worship. If you are interested in learning about our Student Worship Ministry Click the link below.