Kids Ministry

Caring for Kids Of All Ages

Making Disciples of the Next Generation

Our goal is to make more and better disciples of the next generation by equipping, discipling, and encouraging families and volunteers. We do this through our Sunday services, life groups, events, camps, and more!

Kids Event & class Registration

Upcoming Kids Events

newborn - 36 months


During each Sunday service, teams of qualified and loving adults care for children newborn through 36 months old. Parents can enjoy adult ministry in the main worship service knowing that if their child needs them, they can quickly be reached through check-in security code displayed on the screens in the auditorium. The kids will hear a Bible story, worship together, enjoy a buggy ride, make a craft, and play.

Age 3 - Kindergarten

Preschool & Kindergarten

During each service on Sunday, we provide a loving, spiritual environment that allows children 3 years old through kindergarten to be actively involved in worship and participate in Biblical activities that teach them about God and His Word. Children begin in classrooms with other kids their age and then join together for a lively time of worship and praise!

1st - 5th graders


During each Sunday service, 1st-5th graders check into their classrooms to meet the teachers and other kids their age. During their time with us they will participate in hands-on Bible learning with age-appropriate lessons, activities, and memory verses. For the other half of their time with us, they will participate in an engaging worship service through singing, giving their offerings and hearing about upcoming events.

Wednesday Night Groups


During the school year, the 4th-5th graders meet on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in our Life Groups program called GROW. The goal for the kids is to become better disciples of Jesus Christ by building relationships with one another and growing in their relationship with God. We also have several Kids Outreach events throughout the year. Click the link below to learn more.

For Children & Adults

Special Needs Ministry

Our goal is to provide a loving environment where everyone can learn about Jesus in ways they can understand and value. Because each family is unique, and we have limited space and volunteers, we do have a process to see if our ministry is able to support your family. Click the link below to learn more and start the communication process.

Open Monday - Thursday

Indoor Play Center

We are excited to invite all families with young children to this free of charge indoor play area at Canyon Hills Community Church. This is a place for families with young kids in our community to gather and connect with each other – rain or shine. Click the link below to learn more and find out when it is open.

Recommended Videos & Books

Family Resources

Have any Questions?

Contact Kids Ministry

be the hands and feet of Jesus

Serve With Kids Ministry

There are plenty of opportunities to invest in our youngest members during Sunday School or midweek activities. If you are interested in helping out, we would love to hear from you!  Click the link below to fill out an Interest form to serve.
