Who is qualified to be a client?
Our CHCC Aid and Assistance Department has determined qualifications based on income and various other factors. The clients must also live within the CHCC Food Bank geographic boundaries.
What are the CHCC Food Bank’s geographic boundaries?
We serve: Lynnwood (98036, 98037, 98046, 98087); Bothell/Mill Creek (98011, 98012, 98021, 98041, 98082); Everett/Martha Lake (98208); Malty/Carhart (98296); Kenmore (98028). Families whose children are enrolled in the Northshore SD. with verification. Boundaries do not apply to CHCC members or attendees.
What happens when a prospective client comes to the Food Bank during shopping hours?
The applicant will not be allowed to shop that day. If the applicant has an application to turn in, they may submit a complete application and documents at that time. Their application will be reviewed and the applicant will receive a call by the end of the week letting them know whether or not they have been approved to shop the following week. No application will be taken if all documents are not brought in. If the applicant does not have a complete application, they will need to fully complete the form and bring the application and documents into the church office for review.
Do the clients make an appointment for service at the CHCC Food Bank?
There are no appointments at the CHCC Food Bank. Once a client has turned in an application and all required documents their submission will be reviewed. The applicant will be contacted within the week and be informed of whether or not their application has been accepted. If the application is accepted, the client may come every Tuesday at any time during our open hours to shop. We ask that our clients come between 5:30 and 7:15PM to allow time for them to go into our Hospitality Room and shop before we close at 7:30PM.
Where does the CHCC Food Bank get its food?
Most of the food has been donated by the people of Canyon Hills. We also receive donations from: Panera Bread, Costco, and Franz. We are currently purchasing dairy, meat, and produce to supplement what is donated.
How will we keep our shelves full of food?
The Food Bank Leadership Team is trusting the Lord for this! He is able to provide abundantly through our church family! Please pray about how YOU can be a part of helping in this area! Will you commit to bringing a donation once a week? Do you know someone who owns a food-based business who would be willing to donate? This is a team effort by our Canyon Hills family. How can YOU help? We are always looking for businesses, schools, or other organizations (i.e. scouts, sports teams, etc.) to conduct a food drive for us. If you are interested in this, please contact the Food Bank Ministry at FoodBank@chccbw.org or 425-488-4121.