
Preparing for Marriage

Pre-Marriage Counseling

We take marriage very seriously at Canyon Hills Community Church and trust that you do as well, which is why you have come to this particular page.  Teenagers spend hundreds of hours preparing to drive a car.  Young recruits spends months preparing to be soldiers.  If driving and the military require months of preparation, how much more should a couple considering marriage prepare for one of the most important decisions that they will ever make.

getting married at Canyon Hills?

Pre-Marriage Counseling is a Prerequisite

Canyon Hills Community Church places a high value on marriage preparation and our pastors only perform weddings for couples who have completed pre-marriage counseling that is exhaustive and rigorous. This can be done either through our “Preparing for Marriage” class, or with individual counseling with a mentor couple.

How do we sign up?

Pre-Marriage Questionnaire

You and your significant other will each need to complete the Pre-Marriage Questionnaire. As a part of the questionnaire, you will choose whether to take our Preparing for Marriage class, or to participate in individual counseling with a mentor couple (see below for more information).

Option 1

Preparing for Marriage Class

Over the course of seven Sundays you and your significant other will learn what the Bible has to say about marriage and grow alongside other couples in your preparation for this big life change. This class is filled with discussion and gives you an opportunity to think about many different aspects of marriage as a couple before making the commitment. As a couple you’ll also meet with our Marriage Pastor, Graydon Cress, at least once outside of class to have individual counseling and dive deeper into the questions and excitements that you feel most. We offer the class in the spring and fall each year.

Option 2

Individual Counseling with a Mentor Couple

If the class will not work with your timeline for getting married, we still want you to be prepared for your marriage. Once we receive your questionnaires, we will work as fast as we can to get you connected to a pre-marriage mentor couple who will take you through our curriculum.  Our curriculum generally takes approximately 8-10 weeks to complete. Keep in mind that we have a limited number of mentor couples available to connect with couples. So we recommend the class if it works.

Have any Questions?

Contact Marriage Ministry
