WELCOME CHURCH to our main update page for all of our ministries during this season of social distancing and safety precautions. The family of believers at Canyon HIlls is pressing on and full of hope. We hope you’ll visit this page often just to find details about what’s going on, or to continue to keep in touch and connected, while separated physically. We are a community, depending on God and united in Christ. We hope you’ll find encouragement, while being aware of changes that we’re facing for unique time.
All-Church News
- Our offices remain closed.
- Our staff is all working remotely to see that the work of the church doesn’t skip a beat. If you have a question, or a need, email info@chccbw.org or call 425-488-4121 and leave a message. We are checking those calls and emails regularly.
- We are making worship and time in the Word available every Sunday morning for adults, youth, and children.
- You can find these video services here, our app, YouTube, or on Facebook by 7AM, Sunday mornings. For other services, see each ministry below.
Food Bank
- If you have any questions about our Food Bank, please call 425-488-4121, or email foodbank@chccbw.org
- The food bank will be open every Tuesday, 11:30AM–1:30PM and 5:30–7:30PM.
- Food Bank will operate as a drive through. To access the Food please come to the back of Canyon Hills Building 3. For your safety, and our volunteers, food will be brought to your car and loaded.
- For those who are elderly and disabled, home delivery is available by calling the church, 425-488-4121, and requesting delivery from the Food Bank.
- Donated food is only received on Tuesdays, 11:30AM-1:30PM and 5:30-7:30PM at the main building. Use the south entrance doors and look for Food Bank signs.
- If you’d like to help the Food Bank financially, you can give online CLICK HERE,
- For businesses looking to donate resources, please contact the Food Bank Director, Susie Disch (susied@chccbw.org or 425-488-4121).
Aid and Assistance
Fill out this online form and we will get in touch with you. CLICK HERE to fill out an application. If you have any questions about Aid and Assistance, please call 425-488-4121, or email aidandassistance@chccbw.org
Kids Ministry
Stay up to date with Children’s Ministry through:
- Kids Sunday Message
- Facebook: CLICK HERE
- Kids webpage: CLICK HERE
- April Newsletter: CLICK HERE
- Email: kids@chccbw.org
Student Ministries
- We are currently streaming sermons each Sunday for you to listen or watch each week. Available HERE through Apple Podcasts or watch the service on our website HERE.
- High School Life Group leaders will be doing their best to reach out to and hold life groups with their students electronically.
- Stay up to date with HSM through:
- Instagram: @canyonhillshsm CLICK HERE
- Facebook: CLICK HERE
- HSM web page
- Email Newsletter Sign-Up: CLICK HERE
- Email: HSM@chccbw.org
- Will be putting out a weekly encouragement to middle school students and families that is available here (http://www.canyonhillsstudents.com/msmparents) through their email newsletter. Watch a weekly message HERE.
MSM Message Watch Party on Zoom – Connect with other students and MSM leaders while watching the weekly MSM message.
Sunday at 12:30pm | Meeting ID # 942-6889-1114 - Middle School Life Group leaders will be doing their best to reach out to and hold life groups with their students electronically.
- Stay up to date with MSM through
- Instagram: @canyonhillsmsm CLICK HERE
- Facebook: CLICK HERE
- MSM web page
- Email Newsletter Sign-Up: CLICK HERE
- Email: MSM@chccbw.org
Young Adults | College | Young Professionals
- Young Adults are now meeting for gatherings every Thursday night at 8 pm on Zoom! Message us at youngadults@chccbw.org to receive the Zoom link, or find us on Facebook and Instagram.
- Young Adults services will be available to listen on podcast HERE or you can watch on our website HERE.
- Check our FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM accounts to stay connected.
- Feel free to call (425-488-4121) or email youngadults@chccbw.org.
Seniors | Young at Heart
- Our Young at Heart Tuesday morning gathering is currently on hold, for the safety of our Senior Saints and others.
- We are trying to check up on all of you, but if you are not in a Life Group and have an immediate need, please don’t wait. Either call the church (425-488-4121) and leave a message, or email the church at info@chccbw.org. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Life Groups
- No Life Groups will be able to use the church as a meeting location through at least end of May.
- Any groups who used to meet at the church will need to begin meeting online together.
- Stay in touch with your Life Group, or join one if you haven’t yet taken that step to be connected,..
- Your Life Groups leaders will be in touch to set up an online connection for your group.
Women’s Ministry
- Women’s April Retreat has been postponed until March 26-27, 2021
- Women’s Life Groups that meet at the church are now meeting online. Videos connected to the ongoing study are available to those registered members of the groups. Please contact your Life Group leader for more information.
- For Women’s Life Groups that meet in homes, please contact your Life Group leader for information about meeting.
- We anticipate new groups forming at the church and in homes in fall if circumstances permit. Check back to this website for information.
Classes | School of Discipleship
- The following courses have been postponed at this time. We will offer them again in the future and will provide you with additional information when we are able to begin planning for future events.
- Old Testament Survey
- Financial Peace University
- Starting Point
- Because this is such a challenging time, we are offering two free online classes that you can work through at your own pace. You can register for these classes on our registrations page.
Giving while we’re worshiping from home…
If you’re wondering how to give while we’re not in the building, there are basically, three very easy ways.
- First you can give online. Just go to our website and click “give” in the top right corner and follow the prompts.
- Second you can use our app. Once open, just tap the “give” tab in the lower right corner and follow the prompts.
- The third way is a little old-fashioned, but just as effective. You can mail a check to the church, by sending your check to: Canyon HIlls Community Church, 22027 17TH AVE. SE, Bothell, WA. 98021.
With many already experiencing or approaching unemployment, we need to be especially faithful in our tithes and offerings during this time. Many in our church are going to need us to be ready to step in with financial relief and assistance. The elders have agreed to cut back as many fixed expenses as possible, and to freeze all non-essential spending going forward, so we can have all the necessary resources available.
Want more Worship?
- Visit our Worship page for links to streaming sites where you can listen to albums and playlists created by our Worship Ministry. quick access to their Instagram and Facebook pages.
- Rewatch any Sunday service, which always begins with a time of worship, and participate, rather than spectate!
Counseling Ministry
New clients/participants can get information on our Biblical Counseling page and download paperwork. We can still accept new counseling paperwork via scan to counseling@chccbw.org.
- All counseling has resumed operation and meeting are held via digital format, beginning this week.
- HOPE groups have resumed operation and are now meeting via digital format.
- The marriage class will resume with Week 6 teaching via Zoom. All documents will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Attendees will be contacted about how to participate.
- The pre-marriage class will be offered online through a non-interactive venue in which students will watch a pre-recorded video and fill out a short survey/questionnaire meant to determine if they watched the video or not.
For the next 8 Weeks: Follow the protocol from the previous week, with the possibility of changes made as events unfold.
- The 2020 Pacific Northwest Biblical Counseling Conference slated for June 5-6 has been canceled.
2021 Pacific Northwest Biblical Counseling Conference – we are already working on our conference for next year, so mark your calendars for May 7-8, 2021! We are pleased to host Pastor Brad Bigney as our keynote speaker (you may know him from his book, Gospel Treason!) - Please see CLICK HERE for information on upcoming training opportunities.
Global Outreach
- All Global Encounter Trips are either cancelled or postponed through August 2020. Fall trips to Chile and India are as planned. CLICK HERE for more information of upcoming teams/trips.
- All of our overseas Global Partners are being encouraged to follow the direction of their sending agency in regard to returning to the U.S. At this time all are being encouraged to stay in their host countries and love their neighbors.
- Please continue to support our Global Partners during this time through your prayers and financial support. This can be done easily on the GIVE menu item at the upper right of this page.