Men's Summit 2023

About the Men's Summit

This spring, we united hundreds of men from Canyon Hills and the surrounding community to invest in their relationship with the Lord. Men enjoyed an eggs and bacon breakfast, a time of worship, and an amazing testimony from Aaron Jasper. Attendees were able to choose between one of five top-notch breakout sessions tailored to address the challenges that men face in our culture today.

From Addiction to Hope

Aaron Jasper, a member of Canyon Hills, shared the powerful testimony of how the Lord delivered him from addiction to eternal hope in Christ.

Pastor Steve interviewed Aaron for a live Q&A to follow up the incredible story of God’s grace in his life.

Breakout sessions

Finding Our Identity in Christ

What is your true identity? Today’s culture constantly pressures our identity and sense of worth. In this session we’ll examine issues of addiction, depression, societal expectation, and social media impact. 

A Higher Calling

As husbands and fathers, God calls us to be the spiritual leaders of our families. What does that mean? How do we even begin? 

What Is My Teenager Thinking?

This session will focus on equipping parents to connect with their teenagers and use Scripture to engage with the critical questions they are asking.

Anger Management

Why do I or people in my life get so angry? Where does this anger come from? In this session we’ll learn how to identify the root heart idols of anger and how to apply biblical solutions to defuse and defeat it.

Biblical Wisdom for Personal Finances

Are these the worst financial times ever? Are there any financial principles in God’s Word? This session will present a biblical worldview of money, wealth, and possessions.
– There is no video for this session –


If you want to learn more about our Men’s Ministry, stay up-to-date for upcoming events, or have a question, you can visit our Men’s Ministry Page or email
