WELCOME! Here’s a quick rundown of what’s going on at Canyon Hills. DOWNLOAD OUR APP for another quick way to access current info and to register for events or classes no matter where you are.
You are invited to celebrate Easter at one of five identical weekend services:
Saturday, April 3 at 4:30PM* & 6PM
Sunday, April 4 at 8:30AM*, 10AM & 11:30AM*
*Kids programs for birth to 5th grade, at these services only. (Registration opens March 29. CLICK HERE to pre-register).
Masks Required
Come celebrate with us!
To watch from home, CLICK HERE for our Live Stream.
Worship Services
8:30, 10 & 11:30AM
Our regular Sunday Services are held indoors and streamed live.
Child care at 8:30 and 11:30 only. Must register in advance.
Spanish translation at 11:30AM.
Live Stream at 8:30 and 10AM. Video is also available online after the service.
Masks are Required
Thank you for protecting yourself and others. If you’re having coffee, please lower masks just long enough to take a sip.
Student Ministries
Youth are not currently meeting separately on Sundays.
To keep up with online sermons, social media and other activities, click links :
Make a Decision for Jesus?
Text JESUS to 56525
Email: info@chccbw.org
If you’re joining us on site: we will not be pass offering baskets.
You may drop off your offering on your way out.
Please give ONLINE HERE
or by MAIL to: 22027 17th Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98021
Starting Point Class for New Believers
This 8-week class began March 14. You’re still welcome to drop in. For more info or to register, CLICK HERE.
Pacific Northwest Biblical Counseling Conference
May 7-8, 2021
Gospel Treason: Ministering to a Heart that Worships | Speaker: Pastor Brad Bigney
For more information and breakout session topics, CLICK HERE. To register CLICK HERE.
This conference is for more than counselors. This is for anyone who wants to learn more about applying Scripture to daily life, or those wanting to be of help to others in need of some sound biblical counsel and wisdom.
Surviving the Loss of a Spouse?
If you’re someone who is grieving the loss of a spouse or someone close to you, we invite you to join us for a meeting of prayer and encouragement. Join us on April 24, 10am-12pm, in Room 201. No registration needed.